I’m worried that the things I’m worrying about are going to come true.

1 month ago 33

This is specifically about death. My bf has had a lot of people die on him. His girlfriend died when he was 20. His grandpa died, his dad just died. His ex girlfriend died. Couple other people. So lately I’ve been worrying that I will die. I’m really worried that I will die and he won’t be able to handle any more death! I keep thinking when I’m in the car that I will get into a crash and it’s really worrying me. I also kind of believe that if you think something will happen, it will actually end up happening. So I’m just really worried…I kind of need some advice. I cannot die, I can’t die on him. I need him to be ok. Every time he gets a phone call I’m worried someone else has died or gotten hurt. I’m worried that I’m actually going to get into a car crash because I keep thinking about it while I’m driving.

submitted by /u/modernwarfarin4
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