I’m so lost in life (28F)

8 hours ago 7

I’m 28 and feeling completely lost in life. I took a break from work almost a year ago because I wasn’t happy, but now I have no job, no savings, and no clear direction. I spent my 20s trying to figure things out, but looking back, I feel like I wasted so much time.

One of my biggest regrets is not traveling more. A few years ago, my boyfriend and I worked remotely from Madeira for two months, and I loved it. That experience made me realize how much I wanted a lifestyle of travel and remote work. But my boyfriend wasn’t as keen on long-term travel, and instead of pushing forward with my dream, I made choices that tied me down. Now, I look at people on Instagram who saved money, quit their jobs, and are traveling the world, and I can’t help but feel like I missed my chance.

I know it’s not too late to make a change, and my boyfriend is super supportive—he even said I could go somewhere solo for a month if I wanted to. But part of me wonders if I would even enjoy it now or if I’d just feel like I’m trying to catch up on lost time.

I live in Warsaw, which I’ve never really liked, but moving to the suburbs near a forest has helped a little. Career-wise, I worked in corporate but hated it. Now, I’m trying to figure out what’s next, but I don’t want to go back to a job I dislike just for the sake of stability.

Has anyone else felt like this? Like you’re almost 30 and still don’t know what you truly want? It seems like so many people my age have careers, businesses, and exciting experiences abroad, and I just feel stuck. Would love to hear from others who’ve been through something similar—how did you move forward?

submitted by /u/KungFuKinnii
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