I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel for natasia philipovna

1 week ago 19

I have been reading the idiot by Doestoevsky and I can't for the life of love this woman. I feel nothing for her supposed plight because it seems she brought it on herself. And I'm someone that has a 'weak' heart. I may not feel anything for some of the stories i read but women suffering always gets to me

According to moonreader I'm at 32% of the work but I'm just thinking of dropping because her story just pisses me off. Acts very dramatic without any substance. And when help is offered to her decides to be a drama queen saying she doesn't deserve it. The prince's obsession towards her is eye rolling worthy.

Anyways I just want to know if I'm alone in this, if I should continue and if by what i just said I'm better off dropping it.

submitted by /u/Heisuke780
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