I'm in my late 20s and I still search for an identity. Anybody else?

7 hours ago 3

Through out my teens I never found my style when it came to clothes, music, opinions, politics etc. I just floated in a void, never really caring about anything. Me and my family (father was never around) "just" existed. I never felt connected with my country or culture.

I wish that I could find a sub culture but it's really hard for me when I barely believe in anything.

When it comes to music, I listen to everything, from opera, rap, metal, pop etc.

When it comes to politics, I'm not left or right. I'm not fond of taking sides about certain aspects, because all of us consider ourselves to be in the right when we infact might be wrong. What is wrong and what is right? It all depends on our upbringing/enviroment.

I'm like unseasoned food lol! I wish I could find the spices, to know what/who I am, to feel included, not feeling left out.

I have been struggling to pin point my problems, and this is the closest I got so far. Right now, I can't come up with more things, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

Anybody else feeling the same?

submitted by /u/MaxZout
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