I’m confused, This is a very long read!!

2 hours ago 2

Let me start by saying I know I should post this on a different subreddit. But I need to talk about it again lol So Let me start by saying Me (F20) and my now ex (F21) Recently broke up. And I need help figuring all of this out.

Let’s start, My ex and I were together since high school, I was with them even during their worst of times and best. We had it good for a while now too, Her parents went through a divorce in winter of 2022 which caused her and her family a lot of distress.

So I let her into my grandparents home and we were living together ever since. It’s been 2 years since she’s moved in and we’ve always been super affectionate, supportive and loving towards each other.

My family even started to accept her in and she definitely became a huge part of not only my life but my family’s as well. Which was amazing, and it made everything so easy.

Recently though in mid-September My partner and I have been working at a halloween store that rhymes with birit balloween. She’s been working there since 2020 and Has become so good at what she does, she was given an assistant manager position and was supposed to get her own store next year.

But this year an our hiring manager hired a new employee let’s call him Mario (lol) anyway he’s a young teen boy who is attractive unfortunately.

My partner started to catch feelings for him in mid September. She started hanging out with him all the time, sleeping over at his house and I caught them sharing clothes together and buying little gifts for each other. I tried really hard not to be suspicious and Was super understanding towards my partner as i didn’t want to come off as jealous or over bearing.

However the amount of money she had spent on his birthday presents was very concerning. The same day I asked if they could buy me a small stuffed animal and they said ‘don’t you have your own money’ Which yes I do but It still hurt.

On October 10th We went to our state’s capital as I had bought tickets to see the acrocats. On our way up there during the car ride. They said ‘I don’t know what i want in life right now, We can work on our relationship and if it works then it works but if it doesn’t then it doesn’t’.

Which started giving me a sign of a soft start towards a break up, the rest of the night went fine but they kept sending videos and pictures on snapchat to mario. Claiming that he wanted to come with and that she wished he was with us.

Again I tried to be chill about it what pushed me over the edge was on our way back home. She asked me if we could be in a poly relationship. I agree to make her happy. So right after we got home she dropped me off then went straight to his house. Claiming they would talk about it then come pick me up when they were ready.

But she never texted me that night, unfortunately I did something impulsive and overreacted by breaking up with her, packing some clothes of hers in a bag and blocking her on everything. ( she is now unblocked)

Then in the morning I asked my friend to pick me up as i couldn’t deal with being at home. The whole day she didn’t try figuring out where I was. Well once I got home I unblocked her and texted her, I was having a whole meltdown and all she said was ‘ I think it’s best we’re not in a relationship right now’

Which is okay i’m not going to force her into a relationship if she doesn’t want to be in one. So I went inpatient as I wasn’t feeling safe with myself and others. I had to beg her to bring my car back, finally once she brought it back we talked for a little bit and she offered to bring me to the hospital.

Only because she wanted to keep my car so she could get to work. Then before she left she handed me the ‘keys’ and got picked up by mario. Then I handed the keys to my aunt only to find out they were keys to my dad’s jeep.

My grandma and I had to spam call to even get ahold of either of them. Finally my grandma was able to get ahold of mario. on the phone my grandma asked for the keys back and he said ‘What kind of person would I be if I said No?’

So they brought the keys back and My ex claimed she didn’t know they were the wrong keys and apologized. I didn’t say anything back and just took them from her. Realizing now She still has a key to my house.

After that on my way to the hospital I texted her and explained some new boundaries I set in place. Telling her the cats are mine as towards the end she stopped helping out with them. ( The cats are ours and one of them we raised together when said cat was a kitten).

she never responded or read any of what I had sent, which I can understand I was spamming her and going kind of overboard. Anyway when I came back from being inpatient. I found out she never texted me or my grandma once. Even after claiming she would visit me.

some of friends also work at the same place as us. Come to find out they told me that her and mario started dating. I’m not sure when but i’m assuming when it was during our relationship.

My friends told me the whole time my ex was acting fine and overjoyed while I’ve been gone.

Now here comes the confusion part of this, My ex only took the clothes I packed them and some of their shoes. I’m assuming because her and Mario are the same shoe size.

Since the day we broke up, we’ve been no contact as I told them that I wouldn’t be texting them first because I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

So I still have a lot of their important stuff that she always cherished. I can’t bring myself to drop it off yet because i’m convinced she’s going to come back as we’ve made so many memories together.

She also still has me posted on several of her social media’s. My friends have looked for me as I deleted social media to better my mental health.

This doesn’t seem like her at all, she moved in with him and they use his scrappy car. And I’m just confused because we were in such a good spot in our long term relationship. My family loves her and Her family loves me.

I’m still confused on why she left such sentimental items of hers behind at my house. Another thing she took was her Xbox and the build a bear I made when I was with her, and a coraline octopus I had gotten her for valentine’s day.

A couple things I forgot to add is, he just turned 19 and my ex is going to be 21 next month. Which doesn’t sound bad but that means she was getting him, drunk and high while he was still a very young adult.

I also looked through there Imessages and snapchats while my ex brought him to work. which made my suspicions even worse, one of her close friends was with me when I did so and agree that it was odd.

The one time I hung out with him and my partner together, he admitted that he’s a womanizing mass manipulator. and most of his friends partners don’t like him because of it ( Now I see why lol)

unfortunately I have not been to work since which is sad because I really loved my job. According to friends everyone at work knows and my ex got Mario addicted to vaping. and they’ve gotten so many complaints about them being too PDA at work. Which dating a coworker as a manager isn’t allowed at our workplace.

Anyway corporate was called on them and Mario has to be transferred to a different store and My ex was told this is her last year working. Also I did catch them cuddling in our bed, this really isn’t like them at all and they did a whole 360. And the whole time we were still dating she acted so fine and loving. I need some help on what to do, I can’t bring myself to drop her stuff off which is awful. But I did tell her to get a hold of me so we could figure out what both of us wanted to keep. I’m just so lost and confused sad and angry. All of my friends said I’m being very mature about this situation which I agree I am but I’m so confused.

I know i’m overthinking this too but it’s so fresh and more stuff keeps happening. Between her friends and my friends causing drama and apparently mario is becoming very controlling over my ex. I’m also worried my ex hates me now because my coworkers complained to corporate.

Anyway there’s a lot more but This post is already so long. If you made it this far thank you so much I really appreciate it. I just need to rant about it because i’m so confused and about everything. And they were acting so normal kind of loving the whole time this was happening.

submitted by /u/Ok-Waltz-2384
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