She’s a single mom, always has been, and is turning 60 in a few months. She struggles with arthritis, but she’s (hopefully) doing ok otherwise. Over the last 2 years, I’ve gone through a lot (cheated on, bad breakup, bad post breakup, moving across the country, losing friends etc) and she has been there for me for every single thing. Sometimes I call her 10 times a day and she picks up every time. Whenever I’m feeling low or sobbing my eyes out at midnight, she talks me down for over an hour. With every mistake I’ve made, she still gives me advice and wants to see me learn and grow. She’s never given up on me. She’s one of the only people, actually probably the only person, who I know truly wants the best for me. I can tell her anything and everything. I hate that I used to treat her badly as a teenager, I’m in my 20s now and I just want to cherish every moment and conversation I get with her so much. I just love my mom. If you also love your mom, use this as an opportunity to tell her you love her :)
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