I’m 27 now and last year I lost it (I was 26) to a woman who is now 35. Last year she was 34. She was surprisingly patient, as she understood being behind in life and applied it to dating. It took me long enough, I’ve asked out a fuckton of women over the years (at roughly 8-10 a year but I haven’t kept count lol)
About this woman,she lost a lot of money during COVID times because the pandemic caused her business to flop, big time. She ended up being forced to sell her house and move home again because of all that crap 5 years ago and I genuinely felt bad about that.
She’s back on her feet now and I brought up the concept of kids recently. She admitted she wanted kids when she was 29, but feels too old now at 35 and has given up on that idea. I’m not a fan of adoption and SHE (for some reason) is against surrogacy. I don’t think she’s too old at 36 but she apparently does.
I hate to say, but since I do want kids one day (as a 27 yr old man I’m nowhere near too old) so I’m asking if this is a decent enough reason to leave her? I really did love her but I understand how the concept of wanting kids or not can make it harder.
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