I heard a rumour

1 month ago 19

That it takes googols quantum AI chip one quadrillion human years to solve humanities issues. So basically we're screwed. Google spending billions on some useless gadget shows how far away we drifted from reality. The reality in which many of us humans and other species suffer for the sake of rich Westerners, who just need something to stuff the hole in their otherwise meaningless lives with. Give me hate for it; I don't care, but it is undeniably the case that we are single-handedly destroying everything "alive" around us with our capitalist exploitation, and we are becoming more and more the AI computers Google is so proudly marketing. We could learn from artists and film makers, musicians and poets, who are showing us how we could live.. Yet we choose utterly stupid people like EM to show us the way forward. And we work on so many useless things that we can't even find time for ourselves. Why?

submitted by /u/Objective_Ad_1936
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