I feel like I’m a pretty reasonable person most of the time I don’t do much of anything or try not to so I can avoid getting in most peoples way. I’ve ended up in a situation where I’m out trying to make my way through my life and trying to get a place where I can live at least.
Recently I went out of my way to do dishes most of the day and made sure dishes were at a pretty all time low. I ate dinner with my friend’s family so I took it upon myself to just do the dishes. No complaining no nothing.
I’m always being told by said friend that he wants me to do dishes or says “I did X amount of dishes at this time so I vote you do dishes tonight” kind of thing. I wasn’t really having it tonight as I did most of not all the dishes for a good week or so. While other weeks I’ve been pretty good about it off and on while I’ve been staying with them.
I was told a week or so ago that I need to be more out spoken in my place of existence. Not sure if that meant I should be more upfront now or when I have my own place with said friend. I spoke up for myself and said I did dishes most if not all day excluding my own dishes I cleaned.
He just kind of huffed then said “I whatever” then later I was met with X, Y, and Z, why this and that looks bad on me and makes me look like the jerk.
While I’m usually the one who ends up doing everyone’s dishes regardless of how I feel. The one time I voice how I feel I get told I’m still in the wrong.
I’m not sure what I’ll do with this post later. I guess venting my frustration is the best thing to call this. I hope someone enjoys the drama.
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