7 hours ago 5

i hate you. i hate you for everything you've done. for the person you were, the things you did, the people you hurt, the words you said while being angry, not knowing you'd hurt the other person. i hate you for all the times you made them cry. i hate you for being so selfish and self centered around yourself. i hate you for all the times you played victim. i hate you for being such a loser. i hate you for all the times you could've been there for them but you chose to do your own thing. i hate you for being so weak, not being strong enough for them. i hate you for worrying so much about yourself, forgetting that the people around you could also get hurt. i hate you for all the times you gave up after being told you couldn't. i hate you for all the times you said you'd change and you never did. i hate you for being so blind, wanting more, unaware that we had everything we needed in life.

I hate you, but you're gone now. dead to me.

i hate that i was too blind to realize, that the only thing killing me, holding me back, this entire time,

was me to my past self.

submitted by /u/Jrspeakss
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