I feel like I'm way behind in life as a 20 year old

1 month ago 12

I know life should be a marathon, not a race, but with this horrible economy, the planet dying, it doesn't feel like a marathon. Younger generations are joining a game of Monopoly 80 turns late.

I'm graduating college this fall for my bachelor's with no loans, tuition was covered by FAFSA/TAP (I'm in NY). I did a couple internships, but my job prospects seem to be practically zero, and I'm afraid that won't change no matter what I do... my career is already doomed, and I haven't found any warehouse job nearby that's hiring. Can't afford to move.

I just want to focus on fixing my health issues and finishing college, but it doesn't feel like that's enough... nothing I do will ever BE enough...

submitted by /u/Kooky-Exercise-6726
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