I feel like i can’t live anymore

1 week ago 20

I’m m20 and my F18 girlfriend just broke up after 4 years We both decided it’s time to break up. Me and this girl did EVERTHING TOGETHER, we went to homecoming, prom, multiple vacations, hung out EVERY SINGLE day, slept over EVERY WEEKEND, showered every night together. It was like a fairy tale we were so in love. I was 100% positive we were going to get married we talked about it so much. For the last 4 months we been arguing almost every single day. We been getting into these CRAZY fights about the dumbest things ever. It’s getting to the point where i’m going crazy at work and can’t focus on anything. Eveytime we go to a family event me and her get into a straight up brawl. We got into the worst fights to where one point she blocked me on everything for 3 days straight because she was mad over a girl requesting my instagram account, we got into a huge fight to where i literally kicked her out my car on the middle of the highway at 1 am. Her parents are putting a retraining order on me now. Basically it has just gotten so terrible these last couple months. But i CANNOT MOVE ON. We broke up 3 days ago and everyday at work im fighting back tears. I only got 5 hours a sleep in the last 3 days, i can barely eat. I tried going out with friends and im fine with them but right when i get home for the night i just cry all night and i dont know how to move on from her she was my life.

submitted by /u/SpareMission5833
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