I feel I have no purpose

1 month ago 22

I’m a 22, almost 23 year old female and I just feel so lost. I graduated back in June 2024 and my degree is quite niche and requires a lot of previous experience to get a good job, however not a lot of places are willing to give me a chance to gain any experience. I volunteer in court and in a disabled children’s centre once a week and that’s about all I do. All of my friends are either too busy in uni or work, i feel i have no one. I can’t afford to go out and treat myself to a little cafe or bookshop, I sometimes try and get out on walks and have recently started working out/gym but it takes so much for me to force myself to get ready and leave the house. I was in a relationship with someone who I thought was going to be my forever person but we broke up last month due to long distance and because I felt i wasn’t being treated the way I should. It’s so difficult trying to move on from that but we are still friends, I feel like im using him as a crutch because I don’t have anyone else, I speak to him every single day.

I guess I’m just looking for some guidance on how to give my life purpose. I’m not happy with how I look or feel. I live at home with a strict family and don’t have much money. I can’t find a job. I lack confidence and independence. I wake up, eat, do nothing substantial, then look forward to sleeping because I know it’s the only thing in the day that I do right. Help :(

submitted by /u/maxpuffs
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