I don’t like the word/term burden

5 hours ago 5

This might be controversial but this is my blog and my opinion, I don’t care people disagree with me. Like the title said , I don’t like the word/term burden because people need support, real people in your life would never tell you that you are a burden. I hate when people said don’t burden your friends with your emotions or don’t burden your family and it’s like no , why should we not rely on other people for support. Also it’s confusing, when we hide how we feel , we are told to tell people what’s going on with us, if we confess what’s going on , we are called names and say we are burdening them with how we feel . I am an empath with some mental health problems and life problems but when someone in need to vent , I am there for them , as much I am hurting and going through stuff on my own , even if or when at times I don’t have the energy and it becomes so much with what I am going through and can’t give advice, I still listen, I would just listen and say ok or I am sorry about that or something else, i would never tell anyone they are a burden, that will make someone feel way worse and will make them hide how they feel . I do hide how I feel but that’s because I have no emotion support, no friends in this app and any app and no real friends and my family just starts drama with me if I confess to them what I am going through, so every week and months I hide how I feel and pretend I am fine to the world and nothing it’s wrong and hiding my mental health, it’s hard to be strong all the time but that’s the only choice I have , at least I can process and go through things when I am alone in my room but back to the topic, real friends would never feel like their friend venting to them it’s a burden, a real friend would never say to their friend that their emotions are a burden. Real friends are there for you no matter what. Don’t hate , just my opinion. Also still new to Reddit so if this the wrong subreddit, let me know so I can delete it , I don’t want to get in trouble for posting this , so please pm me if this is the wrong subreddit to post this , so I can delete this post

submitted by /u/CreativeOrganizer
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