I don't know what to do with my life anymore

1 month ago 33

I am 23(F) and I just don't know anymore what to do with my life . I completed my bachelor's degree in 2023 then took a gap year to prepare for the entrance exams for postgraduate colleges. Well gave the exam and guess what didn't crack it idk anymore what to do . I have other friends who also didn't do well but now no one Is talking properly I understand they are also unhappy about their results. My parents well my father didn't talk to me properly like didn't respond properly when I asked him something after I told my results and my mother talks with me but you can tell she is upset sometimes won't respond to me . Whenever we talk about some topic , my mother will definitely bring the topic of colleges, jobs . There is too much pressure for work now . According to My parents specially my mother I didn't get into college now what to do I am aging and I need to find a job fast Start with college as soon as possible then get placed and start working . Whenever I am telling that I will give another shot at the entrance exam she is like " what are the chances that next time you will definitely crack the exam " it feels like she doesn't even trust me anymore she doesn't have any belief that I will be able to crack the exam. Now she is saying just see colleges which take direct admission and everyday all day she will talk about this .

I understand that my parents are stressed and thinking about my future but so am I . I'm also stressed and I'm also scared about my future . Idk anymore what to do I'm just so tired of everything. Whatever I do there is some obstacle or I won't succeed in that . Thought of doing some investments but don't know anything about it there are videos on youtube but they all mainly sell the courses. Thought of doing some freelance work then Thought pops up what if I don't succeed . Tried doing youtube no views for first few videos then got copyright. It's like universe , God just doesn't want me to be happy or succeed in life .

How much more I have to struggle Ik this is nothing but for me the failures are struggle I'm slowly loosing hope from everything I just don't know anymore what to do .

Sorry for yapping so much just needed to get it off . If anyone has read till here then feel free to give any advice or if you want to say anything you can .

submitted by /u/Spiritual-Art-1424
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