I don't care if I'm forgotten

2 months ago 36

Pretty self explanatory title. I don't really care if I'm forgotten in 200 years once I'm long dead. How does that really impact me? It doesn't, and there's not much I can do to fix it. I can do something grand or something so awful I'm marked in history but why would I do that just for my name to live on?

Me being remembered doesn't really matter and I'm not sad about it. I'll be forgotten like billions before me and that's okay. I'll fade out of memories but that's fine.

It impacts me absolutely none right now. It has no impact on my enjoyment of life and what I do say to say. I've found my purpose and being forgotten and everything being meaningless because of that doesn't matter right now. I'm gonna continue to be happy, sad, angry, content, hated, and loved until I die and that's gonna stop a little after that point. But that doesn't matter right now. Right now I'm more than content with the time I have ahead of me and how far my name travels past that time.

submitted by /u/a-packet-of-noodles
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