I confessed my feelings to my Best Friend

2 months ago 71

Back in June, I confessed my feelings to my best friend, but she rejected me quite strongly. She told me to find someone who loves me and said she didn’t want me to have feelings for her or for those feelings to grow because she could never see me as a romantic partner. She added that she would understand if I no longer wanted to remain friends due to my feelings.

I don’t think things could have gone more wrong, but here’s the thing: I’m at a stage where it’s not just love anymore—it feels like I worship her, like she’s a goddess. Even so, I believe I’ll get over her eventually because I’ve known for a long time, even before confessing, that she didn’t feel the same way about me.

Yet, I still find myself staring at her pictures on Instagram and secretly hoping she’ll text me first. Every time I see a notification with her name, my heart races, and I get incredibly anxious.

I don’t know how to move on from her. And if the advice is to “find someone else,” then please help me find a good girl because I can’t seem to meet anyone. My social skills are practically nonexistent.

submitted by /u/Dry_Mammoth_6351
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