I can't seem to like other hobbies other than cars

3 hours ago 2

I need some guidance. I've tried multiple hobbies and the adrenaline, joy, and passion just goes away. I've tried getting into music production, cinematography, video graphy, photography, drawing, and digital art just because I think I should stem away from being a car enthusiast. I love cars, modifying and driving them a lot more than these new hobbies I'm trying out. I actually enjoy going out for a drive 9 times out of 10 over making a video or short film. There are other hobbies like sports, hiking, and video games, but I don't enjoy those at all. Cars is all I know and the only thing I've stuck with. I really want to stem out of being a car enthusiast, but nothing is as fun as going out for a drive.

submitted by /u/KittyFlex276
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