I am glad I started young.. gymnastics/parkour/weight training

1 day ago 9

The other day, I was among friends at a park at night, and we were doing silly little dances as a group (we are all over 20, some zillenials and mostly millenials: 25-30-38-44-50) at our weekly bike ride.

I kept doing somersaults and backwards rolls, headstand push offs, a little dance. It felt good!

I am 30 now, and I sleep in a hammock 99% of the time, so I feel when my back is healthy. If I do not sleep in the hammock, my back feels it.

I am really glad I got into parkour and gymnastics as a little kid, because it's given me a great basis for continuing my ongoing mobility/flexibility. I also do lift weights and try to eat healthy.

Sometimes, I have been faced with situations of dire bodily harm and injury, and the instincts kick in to save me (or even others) from severe injury, because of these parkour/gymnastics/some martial arts moves and very good reflexes.

I am so happy that I started this, because I made a lot of other good decisions as a youth, that are paying off now: with my health and understanding of the world. I was looking into it, and being able to "fall with grace" with some basic moves is a good detterent for injury as one grows older, into third age: where falls tend to be more serious to the person's long term health outlook.

submitted by /u/AskAccomplished1011
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