How would you describe success in life?

2 months ago 48

Hi all

I'm just on a philosophical thought experiment to find a definition of "success".

Google's defines sucess aa "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose" which sounds logical in specific scenarios in life but not for life as a whole.

Actually, if you say "happiness" is the aim of life then Google's definition is probably correct too. However, even if you are overall happy, you might wake up not feeling great for whatever reason.

After a while of thinking, I'd define success in life as:

"The physical and mental ability to do whatever you want at a given time, with whoever you want without financial constraints"

So that covers no health limitations, the social and the financial aspect that are very important imo.

Did I miss something in my own definition of success?

submitted by /u/WhatWouldYourMother
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