How to stop wanting a girlfriend

3 months ago 35

As a young man I find it hard to not desire and fantasize wanting a girl. Especially as a virgin incel. I've placed the blame on women in the past, when in reality I suck. I am a boring, low value male. My personality isn't interesting or relevant to gen z. I don't party or watch that many movies or tv shows. I'm rather socially awkward. Some of it is fear of coming off stupid/bad social experience and other times I just despise engaging in fake, small talk.

My looks are rather mediocre and even subpar. I have many below average qualities like being 5 foot 7 and having a receding hairline. On a great day where I go to the gym and eat clean, I would say I'm a 6 out of 10. Despite me wanting to have sex, getting a girlfriend seems to not be in the cards for me.

How does one shift priority away from seeing a future with a partner to an alternative? This is tough for me because of loneliness. I find it hard to get motivated about a future where I'm a hermit recluse with no woman to share life with. Being single is peaceful sure, but depressing at the same time. This leads to me getting back into bad habits like porn and doomscrolling, which wastes my potential.

I would like some suggestions other than religion and chemical castration.

submitted by /u/Many_Memory2266
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