How to Really Reduce Suffering.

1 month ago 28
If you are like me and are desperate to feel more relaxed in your day to day routine, then you want to consider reading this. I say this from deep experience and knowledge from other spiritual teachers which I have read, those such as Christ, Buddha, various Indian spiritual practices, and practical routine efforts. I have faced possibly some of the deepest existential suffering a human can go through. I won’t share how, it’s too painful to reminisce, but what I can say is that I’ve learned a very valuable trait that can help you navigate the world with much less resistance. The trick is to ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR FEARS. If you identify what the logical cause of your fear is, suddenly that overwhelming sense of fear vanishes and leaves you with a sense of clarity and peace. Trust me, if you get rid of enough of them, you feel so much more alive.

Also make sure to take care of your body. Your soul and body both need work in order to reduce suffering. I’m glad I could share this with you. Later bros

submitted by /u/Crazy-Cherry5135
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