How to handle hard times in life?

2 months ago 104

I’m a guy in my early 20s who a couple months ago was doing good in life. Had a nice stable regular job, a 2nd job that focus on my passion for game development, was paying off my student loans at a good rate, good time with friends/family, constant workout schedule and mental secured.

But on August of 2024 I made a careless mistake that resulted in me losing my stable job. My 2nd job would conclude due to it being a 6 month contract. So now I had no money coming in, tried and tried for months to get another regular job or one in my specified field with little success. All the money I earned from that time has been used for rent and student loans. I try to keep a good mindset and work harder each day by improving my portfolio or self but some days are just so hard. I keep telling myself that this is what I get for making such a careless mistake.

Now I work at a lower end job where I barely get put on schedule while trying to improve my design work as much as possible. Thought I was a person who couldn’t mess up and had a bright future. My final thought is that if I can’t get into the gaming industry this year then I’ll give it all up to go the military even though that’s not completely what I want to do but the only person I can blame fit that is myself. I learned a lot about myself in this hard time but I wish it had been under better circumstances.

submitted by /u/Frenzybahh
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