How to get over the fear of going to events alone

7 hours ago 4

So I’m in my late 20s, and in a city I didn’t grow up in. I don’t have many friends here and the ones I did make are no longer in my life. I want to start putting myself out there and meet people but I’m afraid of going to things alone. For example, there’s going to be a big st pattys day parade tmrw and I want to go but going out alone always makes me feel even worse. It makes you feel so alone when you go out by yourself and see everyone else with their friend groups having fun and you’re just by yourself. And most ppl are not eager to just have a random person tag along all day. Sure maybe a quick chat or whatever but for the most part i always end up just being alone and going home alone. I hate how lonely I am and going out alone just makes me realize that I have nobody. And also people notice that I’m just wandering around aimlessly with no friends and I get made fun of, it’s happened to me before. Does anyone else feel like this?

submitted by /u/FDA-approvedJenkum
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