How to cope with life?

3 months ago 35

The older I get (currently 34 male) the harder it gets to cope with life. Like there just seems to be no point and I’m so lost and bored.

I run a business but it’s been slowing down all year. Making less money now than I have in about 4 years. Despite trying to grow it and running into dead end after dead end. I just can’t seem to turn it around.

Inflation is increasing by the day and there’s no end in sight.

I have a liquid just around a million dollars in the bank and investments.

I have traveled, done pretty much everything I’ve wanted in life. But that gets old after a while and no matter where you go or how long you stay, you just end up right back home bored again eventually.

My girlfriend of 5 years is leaving the country for school in a few weeks. So I’m not even going to have her anymore.

I have no interest in having kids. Bringing more humans into this world just seems pure evil.

The world only seems to get worse. I cannot think of a single thing that gets better. Prices of everything only goes up, business only gets harder, jobs only get harder to find.

I’m just not sure what to do. How the hell do people even cope with life? Religion? Having a bunch of kids? I’m literally this close to just checking out and disappearing into Thailand somewhere and trying to live off my savings til I die. How are you all doing it?

submitted by /u/MammothTruth9453
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