How to be a Happier You!

1 month ago 32

How to be Happy! ............just drive:)

When you start to learn to drive a car you are presented with an alarming amount of new physical and mental challenges. As the process of tuition and practice goes forward the brain learns to automate a lot of the physical and mechanical routines that are nessary to drive. Allowing the driver to just drive...

I believe that this wonderful adaptive ability of our brain can be used to make You a happier You!

The single most important conversations that we have, are with ourselves. Our internal narrative is the oil which lubrecates our mental wellbeing. (Even electric cars need oil) A radical change to the habit of thinking can be achieved by learning the baby steps of (buzzword warning) 'positivity'. This starts by slowing each of our everyday interior conversions down. Listen to review what you are saying to yourself.

Each of our interior dialogues are unique and individual but they all share a duality. An aspect of positivity or negativity.

The slow, stop and review of the thought sequence of these conversations to measure, evaluate and scan for negativity is baby step number one.

The second step is to actively press yourself to find 'Silver linings' to search for a positive slant on any given thought sequence. This is not an easy ask!

When the automation of step two kicks in. The individual no longer has to 'think' about 'Silver linings'. It's just like changing the gear in your car, putting the handbrake on, signalling for a turn. It just happens....

I cannot understate the sheer difficulty of this endeavour on startup but the resulting improvement to your day to day life experience will reward in a happier you.

Speaking from my own experience I have found this relatively simple but fundamental change to my everyday reality the largest single improvement to my life.

This is not easy but who ever said learning to drive was easy is a liar!

submitted by /u/61Ral
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