How to avoid boring life?

2 months ago 85


my name is John, i am 25 and i want to ask you all. How to avoid boring life?

I am living in Europe, i have my own flat, rn on university of PE and i think i have this wierd feeling of wasting my time, potentional etc.

Basically all i do is going to a job, gym and when i have school, i go to school and i play games (but thats only bcs i dont know what to do). Sometimes parties, going out with girls and thats it. I am healthy, fit and nothing can stop me to do anything (except laws, lol).

I dont really know what to do, because i dont have much money to spend, since i live on my own and i am still a student. Yeah, i have more money, then average student, because i have passive income (around 750$/month) + 450$/month my job, but i am actually a little money dumb, so i cant dig thr most from it.

Anway, can yall give me a advice how to be the cool uncle, who travelled the world and enjoyed it to the fullest. Especially in winter. I want to have life full of memories and on my death bad, i want to say in my purest for of honesty, yeah, it was a good life. I dont have the feeling of it at all. How to start traveling on budget, should i start discoverinf my own country and then foreign?

I have a discline in sport, but i dont have discipline of traveling and i want to add some enjoyment into my life. I hate gaming tbh, but thats all i do and its pisses me off. We have thing called trial holidays at uni, which means we have 2 months to do all tests etc. Its like 3 months a school, 2/3 months of “holidays” so i have s looooot of time, but i cant use it.

submitted by /u/Affectionate-Sun7962
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