How people from 1st world country be miserable?

10 hours ago 3

How people from 1st world country be miserable?

Like i'm from thirld world country with minimum salary 300$/month(job like cashier,barista,construction worker) meanwhile engineer(computer science,civil engineering) pay 1000$/month so i can't buy iPhone,Playstation,Nintendo game,the school quality is shit,No supermarket/club near me,The heat is high(Tropical)meanwhile Air Conditioner is expensive,Most people here don't have car(use motorcycle with high accident rate and fatality),People that can afford usually buy cheap 15000$ car with 5 year instalment,Also ADHD drug that i need is banned like Adderal and Vyvanse only Ritalin(which not very effective to me and horrible side effect),Weed is also banned(I don't need to use it) that the reason i'm miserable.So what your reason of become miserable??

Also loneliness problem is just the same here if you ugly,look gay,or different you will be excluded,Home here is so small and expensive so no Party here(I'm jealous with America party culture).Most people here talking about religion so not very fun topic.America or Europe has better psychiatrist i think.Also if you lonely just try DMT or psychedelics mushroom(banned in my country) and talk with entity(I heard you can have sex with them)

Also what i'm curious is why there is so small amount of research about controversial topic like religion and LGBT.Like hey Elon Musk if your kid is trans why not funding more research about gay brain and trans brain?? Like i mean you develop Neuralink right? How person that develop Neuralink can be so homophobic.I'm curious how gay brain like feminine thing(just look at their instagram of feminine gay) and also prefer muscle more than women(usually like skinny more). Also why religion when you can meet God directly use DMT?? So we can end religion War and loneliness with DMT because you can talk with God and ask God or entity from DMT meaning of life so you can find meaning of life.We don't need religion anymore if we have DMT so promote DMT more and don't promote religion.Also you can talk and have sex with DMT entity(Cure loneliness)

Honestly i just try ketamine,for DMT i just read story in Reddit and sound promising.If you guys have info about volunteer into Gay research or DMT research please DM(Please don't be a scam)

submitted by /u/GrapeCreamBerry275
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