How has height for men become such an important factor for women?

2 months ago 29

Hi all

I'm a short over 40 years old man and never had problems throughout my life to have great women around me. Some relationships lasted longer, some only a few months, and I'm now happily married.

I'm glad that I don't need to be part of the dating scene. Using dating apps to find a person that you actually like seems not the right approach to me but I'm getting off topic.

Browsing through social media, there seem to be such a focus on the height for men which I don't understand. You know all those clips where people are getting interviewed, and it appears that even all short women want to have tall men on their sides.

Personally, I never had to care about my height. Sure, I have been all the times the shortest in the room but have other qualities that attracted women, so again never really had to even think about that this is an issue.

So I'm kind of curious if the social media algorithms are just trying to test my interests of this topic or if this height topic is really a thing nowadays.

It would be interesting to hear from short men's dating life and from women why they would really have an issue with the height of men.

submitted by /u/WhatWouldYourMother
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