How do you structure your life?

1 month ago 21

Few days of procrastination is fine but wasting 2-4 yrs is absolute not fine. I’m heavily regretting not starting early in life and I just kept telling myself when hearing this motivation content that 20s is just a small number. You still have time to grow up and experience. But now that I’m realizing how much time has gone by yet still living life in insecurities fear and self doubts is only holding me back more. Everyday I just seem to be worrying about the same things and stressing about it. Even though I know I have to take actions and make a change. Like you know deep down what to do but you just avoid it. It just eats you up mentally. So much things to prioritize and work on not sure where to start. Looks like I’m struggling to create a structure in life. I don’t know how people that creates of making more money, spending time with family, fitness all able to makes time for this when they have jobs or college to attend

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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