How do you stay optimistic about your future when you're going through an extended rough period

1 month ago 32

27M and as the flair says I need advice. I'm really unhappy. I've been going through an extended rough period of nearly 5 years now. Started with the pandemic and has snowballed since, but the worst of it started around spring of 2022.

There's been a whole bunch of stuff - bad and toxic job, breakup, stupid mistakes, losing friends and others, losing jobs, body marks and health issues - and more. Basically I've had my entire life flipped upside down, and I'm finding it hard to adjust. Every year I think this will be the year things finally flip for the better and then more bad stuff happens.

With that being said, I'm really finding it hard to stay positive about the future. Makes me anxious thinking about how much worse life is going to get if this continues. Does anybody have any advice on how to deal with this.

submitted by /u/reedshipper
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