How do you learn to start caring and focusing on your future ?

1 day ago 8

I just feel like over the past few years in my life, I’m truly not giving it my all. I’m not putting any effort or being consistent or being accountable. It’s like I’m just not feeling it. People say follow the plan, not the mood. But here I am just living in the past and self Soboatging myself . I just feel stuck honestly and I’m afraid to start all over again. I feel anxious and shameful to ask for help and reach out to others. I don’t know why am I not doing the things I know I should be. It’s like I’m waiting for something like a right plan, maybe some motivation, some willpower sighs deep down I guess I’ve become lazy or so scared that I’m afraid to start. I hate living my life this way. I’m so behind in my life and I’ll be in my 30s soon. But mentally I feel I’m 22 yrs old. I have nothing no source of identity. I have no job for 7 yrs. I have no college degree. I don’t drive. I have no friends. Sighs I’m ruined

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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