How do you get out of the downs?

5 hours ago 10

I am a minor teenager, (under 18) and I have ups and downs like anyone else. They are very dramatic. I know a lot probably has to do with hormones, but really? The downs seem to last the longest. Sometimes I feel like a failure. I pursue a way of supporting myself that my friends and family look down on, but there are many people, young and old alike who would cheer me on. Ever since the pandemic, I decided that I was going to move out of the US and live in Europe. There are actually several places in Europe that are cheaper than the US, especially the state of Colorado. Check out the channel NotJustBikes on YouTube to begin your journey of realising why Europe is way better than the US. I've spent my time becoming fluent in French, with the goal of teaching it and English. But after attaining fluency, I saw that it was nearly impossible for me to find students, as all of the good platforms require you to be 18+ to teach. I've even gotten banned from some alternatives I thought of to find students. So I reverted back to something I'd tried with a hint of success before, video editing. I made a little bit of money with this skill since January, I've even improved my editing and learned a "real" editing software, Davinci Resolve. But clients don't come easily. I know these skills can support me, and even if they took a while to build, I'd literally do Doordash to support myself. But my "friends" and "family members" want me to learn construction related skills. Doing that would prevent me from realising my dream of moving to Europe (digital nomad style) I don't want to be stuck to one place, that's just not me. Sometimes I've even wondered why I'm even giving life a shot.

submitted by /u/Dry-Poetry9897
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