How do you cope with living

1 month ago 16

To start off, I (19) have never believed in religion. I went to an episcopal church as a kid , and never really believed what was being taught. In middle and high school I started to talk to people from different religious backgrounds( Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, etc) but never could fathom how people really believed. I am not some miserable nihilist, at least I don't think so, but I have a hard time finding the worth in everyday struggles. When things are going good and beautiful, I'm happy. It just feels like I don't know what to live for. Happiness? Why should I live for an emotion? People don't live to be angry. I guess I just don't understand this whole life thing. I have friends, a boyfriend, and a good family. I just don't feel like there's really any point to living. I don't want kids( I might be too selfish to put my life behind me for someone else), I'm educated but I find no meaning in a good career besides money( and honestly as long as I and the people around me are comfortable IDC Abt money that much either). So I guess I'm asking what do I live for? I might be incredibly selfish asking this. I love the people in my life. But it seems strange to base ur life's purpose on other people to me. Logically wtf is the point in life

submitted by /u/madhat888
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