How do I put more "Life" in my life?

2 months ago 62

I was curious if theres a way to put more "life" in my life. My typical day is wake up at 5am, go to work, go to the gym, then go home and watch my shows or play videogames. Sounds like a dream right? NO. I dont feel like I'm living my life to the greatest potential. I feel lazy, I feel like I'm going to run out of time even though I'm young. People are going to tell me "Go join a club, go join a dance class." But I really have no time with that. Work takes up my all my life and when I do get days off I spend it hanging out with my boyfriend and running errands (not complaining btw i am happy in that aspect).

What are things that I can add to my routine that will make life more "whimsical". Things I can be excited to do after work or on my days off. I read occasionally but I feel so distracted lately. I enjoy my life but I'd like to add things to my daily routine that will make me happier and calm down anxiety. Sorry if this is worded poorly

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Second-3838
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