ya ya dont say theres "no wrong or right way" cuz ive been doing everything wrong. i dont know what to do. im 18, wasted all my teenage years feeling sorry for myself cuz i had an ed and other stuff and i decided that i should give up cuz i wasnt gonna be alive much longer but here i am still here confused af and they say i dont have to have it all figured out but i have no plans, no motivation, no hope and maybe im just being a dumbass but i dont know what i want and even if i get my best case scenario outcome (which i dont even know what that would be) i dont think id be happy with it i dont think ill ever be satisfied or relaxed or anything and i don't know what i wanna do in life hell maybe i dont wanna do anything because my small brain cant even comprehend the most simplest of tasks so how could i ever do anything. i never even do anything right. is it too late for me? because it feels like it and i dont see how i can turn anything around
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