How am I doing in life?

1 month ago 26

Hello! I’m (19F) and I want to know how well/decent i’m doing with my life. I don’t usually have someone to deeply talk about how life is going, if that makes any sense. Sorry if this isn’t the right reddit to post this, if anything this can be deleted. I graduated highschool in 2023. Once I graduated I found myself a job, the job is great. A simple local business where I live, great co-workers and great bosses. Pay started above minimum wage and just last month I got a raise! I ranked up to store manager💪 haha June 2024, I was able to save up for my own car. Its a second-hand, not brand new, but it works great and I got it for $5,700 when they originally asked for $8,000 (low ball?, i know😔) February 2025, I got accepted for a credit card :]!! yippe

Honestly, I feel great about how I’m doing yet sometimes I don’t feel too great about it either? Example, my mother is still asking me about if I’d be attending college anytime soon. I’ve expressed to her about how I feel about going to college which is that, I don’t want to. I know I’m doing good.

I’d like to get your guys opinion on it! If you’ve made it this far, thaannk you for reading my silly talk. Hope you have a great day/night!<3

submitted by /u/Consistent_Cycle4441
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