Honestly just wanna be alone?

2 months ago 61

I’m 28 now.

I was a social butterfly from 16-24 partying and socialising every weekend. At 24 I made the change to step back a bit to save some money and get ahead in life cause I was mentally and financially falling behind. Now 4 years later I have got all the things I want financially but I find myself not wanting to see them people at all, I like my circle very small I have about 4 friends I see regularly and I see my family but other then that I make excuses to avoid seeing my old friends especially in big groups I get really anxious cause I don’t drink anymore and feel like I can’t relate with most of them is anyone else like this ? I just like to be alone save money and do what I wanna do not have to socialise and just be a home body with my partner. Is this bad ?

submitted by /u/Possible-Durian-1764
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