Her wish of finding someone!!!

2 months ago 36

Repeating the same mistake is not a mistake; it's a choice, and yeah, she made that choice. It's her bad that she expects a lot because she gives a lot. In every relationship, whether it's a friendship or any other relation, it's her who is gonna get hurt because she gives more love, she cares more, and she puts in more effort. And yeah, she will never give up on her people. She is just tired of this fake smile that she shows to others to hide her pain. Everything matters to her. Yeah, she is an overthinker, but at last, the thoughts she overthought became true. No one actually cares about her. Yeah, she is an extrovert who expresses so much, but no one understands her truly, even after expressing so much.Yeah, she is not selfless, but at least she is not selfish when it comes to her family and friends. She never did anything wrong in anyone's life, never played with anyone, and never made anyone cry. But why does all this happen in her life? Maybe because she is strong. Have you ever been rejected and felt you are not worth anything? No, right? But she got rejected not once or twice but more than five times, yet her smile never fades. She laughs a lot but never stays happy, talks a lot but never talks about what's in her heart. She forgives easily, even if they break her all over again. She loves to help everyone, even if they hate her. She tells people to love themselves when she doesn't.

She wants to fight with someone she doesn't like, only to see them win. Her trust in emotions and feelings is shattered. She always loves people and has never had her feelings returned. She is not perfect, but she is not fake when it comes to her feelings. She is not beautiful, but she is pure. She always tells her friends to think positively and to be optimistic, but she is the pessimist here who fears a lot more than her friends but just pretends to be strong. She puts in so much effort just to see a smile on her loved ones, but she won't get the same effort in return.Yeah, she gets hurt a lot because she expects a lot, and expectations always hurt. But how is it wrong to expect the same things she gives to people? Is it really wrong? Maybe it is wrong 😅. She carries so much love in her heart but will never give some to herself. No one loves her; they just use her. Every time she remembers, she forgives again. She never wanted perfect, just real. Someday she will stop talking much because nobody listened to her when she had so much to say.

She is tired, she wants to give up on people, she wants to stay away from people, she wants to treat them the same way they treated her. But at last, she remembers it's not her. Yeah, she is broken now because she made the same choice, repeating the same past mistake. But is it really her choice, or did she have no other option but to accept the reality of her feelings? Only she knows what she is going through.For once, she wants to have someone like her in her life. Yeah, she has a wish. She needs someone who would understand her pain behind her smile, someone who wants her to stay with them forever, someone to put effort into her, someone who would really care for her, someone who would never give up on her, someone who would understand her feelings without her saying anything, someone who can see the sadness behind her laugh, someone who would never make her cry—just that someone.

And you know what? She found that someone recently 🥳🥳. Do you want to know who that someone is, huh? That someone is no one but herself, who is strong enough to heal herself, who will always help her stand when she falls, who will always understand her. Finally, she found her someone; her wish got fulfilled.

submitted by /u/Magniferaindica_30
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