Helpful Advice for a Happy Life?

3 hours ago 2

Hi! My partner & I welcomed our first baby to the world a few weeks ago. Things have been a little complicated and he has been in intensive care since birth.

We have therefore spent a lot of time in hospital which has led to lots of thought about life. I had the idea to write a list of advice that would be useful for him when he is older. I plan on hand writing this, sealing it up, then giving it to him when he is older, maybe 16.

This is what I have so far;

  • Travel & see see the world while you are young & free of responsibility

  • Make time for the things that make you happy (hobbies, family, friends etc)

  • Be adventurous & curious, but not reckless

  • Throughout life you will face challenges & adversity, learn to find joy in the little things even when times are hard

  • Treat people with respect, even if you don’t like them

  • When someone shows you their true character, don’t ignore it

  • Hard work & a good attitude usually beats intellect. If you want to get ahead in life, outwork your peers

  • Don’t take life too seriously. There is nothing better than laughing with your friends - so be silly & have fun

  • You will make lots of mistakes. Be accountable, admit to them & use them as an opportunity to learn

  • If you don’t understand something, ask questions until you do

  • Don’t drink alcohol when you are unhappy

  • Talk through your problems with family & friends

  • Tell the people you love that you love them regularly

  • Select your romantic partners with caution, your future happiness & financial stability depends on it

  • Look after your body, you only get one. Eat well, exercise & stretch!

  • Be smart with your money, build up an emergency fund and start investing as early as possible

I’m interested to hear what you internet folk would add, remove or change. I am quite sleep deprived writing this, and these notes are a reflection of my own life and experiences. I don’t want it to be ‘rules’, more just useful bits of information that can help him avoid some of the difficulties I have faced myself.

Thank you strangers.

submitted by /u/TheNetherZone91
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