Having respiratory infection/sickness. Whilst also trying to get your dab fix in…

3 months ago 36

I always have been one to smoke tree and concentrate, religiously switching between the two. But when I get sick I only smoke dabs because of the lesser carbon build up in the lungs. I just don’t know this time, I’ve been coughing green mucus from the depths of my lungs and usually the dabs will help loosen or force it out. I just don’t know for sure if this time it will make it worse. I feel I have “bronchitis” or “pneumonia” but I get it seasonally every year. I’ve always done the same thing, which is switch to strictly dabs but I just am worried about the green content in my mucus could mean something more serious this time. Keep in mind I have traveled from south Florida to Tallahassee in a span of a week or two so the changing climate is absolutely fucking me. SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME REAL INSIGHT

submitted by /u/RollForward8963
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