Having finished The Moviegoer and being half way through Revolutionary road, the 1962 National Book Awards is dumbfounding.

23 hours ago 9

I finished The Moviegoer as it seemed to be right up my alley. Having a degree in Philosophy while loving existential novels, I felt like I could not go wrong. I was left exhausted and bored. The first half of the book was enjoyable but not remarkable but the latter half was dull to me. Having slugged through it, I was happy it was over. Next up was Revolutionary Road. I am Halfway through in a day and a half and I love the way it is written. It might be because Im coming straight from The Moviegoer.

That said, I was shocked to find out that The Moviegoer beat out Revolutionary Road for the National Book Award in 1962. Not only that. It beat Franny and Zooey and Catch-22. Admittedly, I have not read Franny and Zooey (it has now been moved up next) but Catch-22 was easily a better novel in many ways.

How could this have even transpired? What are your opinions?

I also get 'Awards arent always fair' but this has to be a huge snub in literature

submitted by /u/Personal-Ladder-4361
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