Have felt lethargic and in a haze for the last 18 months

2 months ago 83

About 18 months ago I finally accomplished a couple of my long term goals. It felt relieving having those things behind me, but ever since I've just felt like I'm going through the motions of life without any real point or purpose. That's not to say I don't have other goals, but I can't seem to get excited or motivated about them. I'm single, and friends and family don't seem to understand why I don't date. I'm unable to see a relationship as anything more than a burden or another obligation. I believe I'd feel alone with anyone I'd find, so there's just no desire to pursue that avenue right now.

I go to work, come home, watch some shows, work on some projects around the house, rinse/repeat. I feel like I'm just existing, and that nothing within reach excites me anymore. And the things out of reach seem way further than my current energy reserves could manage, so I push them out of my mind.

I wouldn't say I'm unhappy, but I wouldn't say I'm happy either...I'm just kind of...here. And I wouldn't really be that concerned except this has gone on for quite a while now. I don't see any sign of snapping out of it. I'm also concerned that I'm not concerned enough, but not all that concerned obviously since I can't push past a certain level of being concerned. So yeah...work tomorrow. Woohoo.

submitted by /u/esdsafepoet
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