Got what I wanted after Breaking my arm

13 hours ago 6

TLDR: What i needed was a BREAK!

About a month ago I broke my arm snowboarding and have been on medical leave since. This has the longest period time ive been able to (justify) taking time off from work or school and do nothing but focus on myself since highschool. I don't call off unless i have to, and i rarely take a vacation for more than a weekend

The first 2 weeks were spent on physical recovery from the broken arm. I was able to catch up on so much sleep. Working 12 hour shifts over night really messed with my sleep. So sleeping whenever I want for however long I want is bliss.

After regaining some functionality, I dove into my hobby of model building to the best of my ability. I finally have time to work on my largest kit: PG Unicorn Perfectability with Lights. Currently Half way done.

The break also allowed me to spend quality time with my partner and pets. I can tell they appreciate my company instead of working and sleeping all day. I especially noted how I wished my cat had a sibling because of how loving she can be but doesn't necessarily match dog energy.

On the final week of my medical leave, the Cat Distribution System heard my prayers. I rescued the cutest little kitten, found crying at the laundromat. Someone had abandoned her. (noticed trimmed wiskers) Her name is Cleopatra, and she is the kindest kitten iv ever met. 0 destructive tendencies. Using the rest of my time off to bond and slow introduce her to my current pets.

Still waiting on the bomb of a medical bill... but everything else has been pretty good.

submitted by /u/Maowsama
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