Got threatened, how should i respond?

1 month ago 66

So i (16M) am in 10th grade. On this school, during this time, there is a week long trip to austria, where we go skiing. I am sharing a room with 6 other guys, 5 of those are from my class. The last guy is a friend of 1 of the others. Now, i am not a big fan of the last guy, nor his friend from my class. They try to be cool and tough and stuff but they just appear weird (this includes the rest of thier friend group).

Earlier today, another guy from another room came in while me and my friend (ill call him K), and just kinda took two sodas, without asking. Those sodas belonged to the 2 guys who i dislike. They came back along with the rest of thier friends and they quickly realise that they were missing the sodas. They run out to try to find who took them but were unsuccessful, so they returned. Me and K were still in bed and watching netflix and they began to ask us if we had seen anything and i stupidly answer ‘yeah, someone came in a took them’. They began interrogating me and kinda punching my bed and i refused to snitch.

After a while and a few small indirect threats, they left for a second. They came back with another friend of theirs, whos this big fat guy and he began to interrogate me. He promised me he wouldnt say who snitched but i still refused. He eventually told me ‘wanna do this the hard way?’ And hit my bed too. Ofc i am scared at this point as he could easily beat me up/kill me so i told them which room the thief was from. They ran in there and quickly found out who it was. They said he got scared pretty quickly and that he send them some money to pay for it (idk if this is true tho).

So far, i am in no trouble and i dont think im getting in any if i keep quiet, but i feel like i should say something. Imo i got 4 options.

  1. I keep quiet and safe. No trouble.
  2. I tell a teacher tomorrow (which is what K wants). Now, this is kinda risky as the bug fat guy knows it was me who told on him, and he could risk getting thrown out.
  3. I tell my dad and get him to write to his parents. Ill have to wait a few days till i get home but i doubt it will do much except getting me fucked. This is also imo the worst option.
  4. I tell my dad and ask him to report it to the police. Threatening someone like this is illegal, but it wouldnt surprise me if nothing came of it.

I just dont know what to do here. The big fat guy will definitly beat me and might try to kill me if i tell someone, so its pretty risky.

submitted by /u/Individual_King_254
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