Going to be 25 this year and I feel like I didn’t accomplish anything

1 month ago 40

Apologies if this is word vomit, I feel overwhelmed right now.

I graduated college with a degree in communications which I regret so much in 2022. I then worked at some big media agencies in the city but only as an intern or fellow. You know, just to get my feet wet. These roles were great but they weren’t exactly what I wanted to do and I still feel like I don’t know what I want to do.., well actually, I sort of do.. I want to pursue music/work in the industry as a plan b.. but I have yet to pursue this. I’ve always loved to sing and make music but everyone around me has told me to be realistic so I went corporate after college. Quickly, I learned that I hate sitting at a desk and I don’t know how would do it for the next 40 years doing something I dislike.

Currently, I’m at a bridge job working part time while I job hunt but I’ve been also trying to reignite my passion for creating music. I honestly can’t see myself doing anything other than music, but what is the probability of actually making it.. idk.

I wish I knew about internships and opportunities in college so I wouldn’t be struggling right now. All of my friends are working full time and I’m stuck in my hometown working a job that doesn’t even require a college degree. I feel like I wasted so much of my potential as I’ve always been a straight A student in high school. I should’ve studied something more challenging. I chose comm because I liked media, broadcasting, music, entertainment… someone should’ve slapped me into choosing a major that actually makes money. I’m a first gen graduate from a low income family.. I wish I could’ve made my parents proud

I’m so upset and sad at myself. I’m getting older and have no idea what my future will look like.. what do I do now

submitted by /u/Different-Airline119
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