Found Dog w/ Padlock Around Neck

1 month ago 76

On 01/15/2025 I found a chained dog wandering the streets. I immediately got out of my car and went up and he came running as if Id known him my whole life. Called over ten places, police included, and the firefighters were kind to cut the lock off him!! Got him a harness and a leash so hes more comfy and safe on walks.

Unfortunately I cant keep him but I am fostering for now. Hes such a cute and sweet soul. Hope I get him a home!! soon. 🙂

[Note: Went to the vet and he isn’t chipped. Pooches for pines, humane broward, and other shelters were no help because they’re either not taking in any strays or not answering/returning calls. Please send me solid leads to places willing to take him thank you.

submitted by /u/KiwiTraditional3954
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