Let's make believe for a moment:
Let's pretend that some people, at one point, found that humans learnt better through life experience and attrition than they did being forced to congregate daily, for a certain amount of time, to memorize texts and have to pay out the nose for such privilege.
So during one Real World technological epoch a neurological and tech university in Canada churned out a small auditorium they called an 'Automated Virtual Environment.' (cA.V.E.)
Partiicipants were induced into a coma as their minds began to remotely operate wireframe skeletons subjected to a virtual world using the Real World's most advanced video game graphics.
Considering sciences involving the mind's concept of time, the heads of Project S.a.T.A.N. (Scientists' and Teachers' Alternative Network) were now capable of better teaching cA.V.E.men through sixty plus (virtual) years locked inside this fake life within a life.
So, what if your purpose is to learn about the shortcomings of man's institutions (especially those which are meant to be esteemed educational faculties) while being taught the real and more genuine way through "life" itself?
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