Help me be more aware and challenges I might face.
Few personal beliefs of a 32y man who still has more things to discover in this life -
• Stop being a cry baby. Your hands and legs are working fine? Then stop whining about your problems to others, get motivated from people who achieve great things, and give their 100% even if they can't move their hands properly Start doing things to get the happiness you're looking for in your life!
• Imagine you're on your death bed! While you reflect back on your life, will you pass away in peace or there's something that you wish you could have done! Probably that's related to your purpose or reason of existence?
• Somewhere energy is involved in our reason of existence, so be a promoter of energy and don't be a sucker of energy from others
• Ideally, no human should have the power to end someone's life. The biggest sin in this world would be ending someone's life?
Any thoughts around these beliefs? All these questions are surrounding towards giving meaning to our lives!
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