feeling stuck and so, so lost.

2 months ago 29

hi everyone
i know it might be kind of like a lost game at this point for having to come to reddit with my problems and for advice but i feel like if i were to tell anyone close to me what im feeling i'll just get a 'same!' or an 'i told you so' from my parents and that's not exactly what i need right now.

i'm approaching my mid twenties, and i still live with my parents. i don't have a job right now(we've just moved cities so it's not that i'm not trying, i've sent over 50 applications out in the last month and a half and have heard nothing, no i am not exaggerating), i have never moved away, and i have not completed any education i've tried to pursue. I want to go back to school for a trade, specifically hairstyling, but i think i've just taken so many wrong steps in my ambitious early twenties dreams that i just genuinely don't know how to do anything or how to get my head on right and i'm deathly afraid of giving up on myself with this again. this is probably a common feeling among people in my age range, i know this, and it's probably only heightened because of covid, i know this too, i just. i can't stop feeling like i'm failing at everything.

i know this is because of my track record of me clearly just opting out of things or not taking things seriously, i know the only way to change that is by just doing things, but it's so hard to do that when i don't even have my own money to rely on right now. i want to make my mom proud. she's sacrificed so many things for me, including high school, college, and a properly happy life. and here i am, just sitting in a bedroom in her house and i can't even remember to change my addresses on my drivers license and health cards when we move. she's a machine and i am not even a gear. i know i've let her down so far.

this has been alot and i'm sorry for that, i think i'm just looking for someone to tell me i can pick myself up again. i've done it a thousand times before but for some reason, this time, i just really don't believe in myself, and i can't blame anyone around me for not believing in me either. i don't want to wallow in this, i've wallowed in my life for the last eleven years straight. i've done some cool things and i've touched the stars surrounding some of my dreams but i know it's time to get serious, grow up, and let go of those original dreams because i'm literally going nowhere. i feel like haley dunphy and i don't want her ending. i want to move out, and be happy, find friends that are my family. i want to explore myself more freely, i want to understand things. i want to be part of your world, as ariel said, so please. anyone who has taken the time to read all of this. help me. what is your advice?

submitted by /u/OkKaleidoscope583
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